You have around 5 hours of story missions to do as well as some side ones too. In some ways, I feel that they would have been better having this as the first DLC and then Faster, Baby as the second.

I actually liked what Mafia III: Stones Unturned did. So, the game does have some really cool and exciting set pieces! There is an intense car chase that has Wild Theme as the music and it really does jack you up! Another great scene is where you are in the back of a truck and you are manning this badass gun, trying to keep the goons Aldridge has on your tail at bay. The soundtrack in the game is once again awesome, but there is one place and one scene that makes this whole expansion worth playing. It was also a lot of fun to use and seeing a gut get picked off was really funny. I know this does not sound all that exciting, but it was something that not only came in really handy. One new addition that has been added as a complementary skill is the way Lincoln can call in a sniper to help him out of a jam. There are no new parts added to the map here, but I did not actually mind as it does move at a very quick pace. The last DLC had the awesome driving to fall back on and this one here is all about firefights! If you enjoy this aspect of Mafia III, you are in for a great time here as I swear you cannot go more than 10 minutes without getting into some big over the top firefight. There is not a whole, not new that is added to Mafia III: Stones Unturned. It feels like something that should be in a spy movie! Thankfully Donovan is just as (or even more) awesome than he was in the base game and he really carries the story. An old rival of his called, Aldridge is on the scene and he is on the hunt for a nuclear weapon! Lincoln and Donovan decide to find out what he is up to and put a stop to it before it is too late. While you still play as Lincoln, your CIA homie, John Donovan needs your help. That is not to say it is bad, it just has a very different feel to what we have had with the other two stories so far. Mafia III had an amazing story, Mafia III: Faster, Baby also had an amazing story and I feel that the story Stones Unturned is telling really feels out of place compared to the two stories we have already experienced. As soon as I found out that Donovan was back and a huge part of the story, I knew I was in as Donovan is one of the best characters in the original game. I thought that Faster, baby! Was a lot of fun so I was very excited to see what the second DLC offering had.

Mafia III: Stones Unturned is the second piece of DLC for Mafia 3.